Security to different people means different things. Ever since the evolution of man, we have sought the path of nature, religion, energy whatever that deemed fit to us. We have named Gods, worshipped them, made sacrifices, all in the hope that the divinity would guide us in the right path. We felt secure that one day we would all find our way back. We would be united to the one true destination of our life.

What if, we told you that security you are looking for is right there in you?
Sounds surprising, doesn’t it? Well, it is true! We all have been deceived to believe that there is some energy from the external which magically transforms our life and guide us in our right path. I agree there is energy. But did any of us think where that energy comes from? IT COMES FROM US. Yes US!

The human spirit is essentially formless intelligent energy, which has become individualized by the splitting of the supreme energy. This spiritual energy is the source of all living beings: humans, animals, plants and even minerals. However, the spirits of animals and plants are not as individualized and advanced as those of humans. In other words, each human spirit has an expressed individuality and the ability to think, whilst, animal and plant spirits usually live as collective consciousnesses. How individual they become depends on the level of each spirit’s consciousness.

For those of us familiar with the Law of Attraction would surely know that our energy attracts our reality. Therefore it is very important for each one of us to harness the energy in the right way. Imagine the world we would create if we were conscious enough to channel this energy coming out of body. No more donations, no more blood sacrifices and no more brainwashed people. But all of us working together to create a better world!

One of the first steps in creating this consciousness is Self Love.
Now I am very sure that all of us have heard, “if you love me, do this” “if you care for me, do that” “if you have any feelings for me, this is how, you should do it”. Well, do me a favor, collect all these ideas and throw them into the garbage: what do you want? Ask yourself.

Take the road trip you always wanted to do. Soak yourself in a nice Jacuzzi, after a long day. Get that haircut. Go to the party you wanted to. Have fun.

My point being, dear readers love yourself.

Remember, “I am mine, before anyone else’s”

When you love yourself, you glow from the inside. You attract people who love, respect and appreciate your energy. Everything starts with and how you feel about yourself. Start feeling worthy, valuable, deserving of receiving the best life has to offer. Be magnetic.

Kristin Neff, the pioneer of self-compassion research, describes it as follows: 
     “Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness, concern, and support you’d show to a good friend. When faced with difficult life struggles, or confronting personal mistakes, failures, and inadequacies, self-compassion responds with kindness rather than harsh self-judgment, recognizing that imperfection is part of the shared human experience.” (Neff & Dahm, 2015)

Now, next question is, how do we do it?

There are many ways of self love:
          Listen to your intuition.
Intuition is that voice inside us telling us what to do. We all have them. They are our instincts and they are always true to us. It may seem that everything is right, still the voice in our head is saying, “Don’t do it. It doesn’t have a happy ending.” Trust me. Listen to this voice. You will be glad you did.
               Be like a child.
A child observes everything, experiences life to the fullest, because a child does not judge. Imagine when you were a child, you wanted to do so many things. You were friends with people merely because you enjoyed their company. Not because they owned a big house nor had a big bank balance or owned a Balenciaga gown! You played together, because you enjoyed, you experienced. You embraced a situation for what it is. But when we grow up, we tend to judge, avoid situation and people, which only diminishes our consciousness.
           Love yourself physically.
It time you took matters in your own hand. Give yourself a birthday gift. Take yourself out on a dinner. Buy yourself a good dress. Go for a walk. Play with animals. Volunteer at camps. Start gardening. Read a book. Breathe!!! You got it! You are exactly where you are meant to be!
Now, all of the things I said above will not lead you the right way, if you do not meditate. This is the “secret ingredient” which no one will tell you. Meditate and meditate and meditate, any way you want. There is nothing special that you need in a meditation. You just need to relax, position yourself comfortable at a corner, preferable seating position, take some deep breathes, close your eyes and let your mind be free of thoughts.

There are also various types of meditation that you can follow like zen meditation, kundalini meditation, mantra meditation, transcendental meditation and many more.

“ if you learn to create the right climate in your body, mind and emotion, your health, well being and joy – everything will be taken care of” – Sadhguru.