While the world parties away their Friday nights and drowns themselves in unlimited alcohol, I sit in my bed with my 22 inch mattress and watch Maleficent.Mistress.Of.Evil.(2019). Relax, its not Friday the 13th, but there's no harm in watching a little bit of evil!

To top it up, I am consuming unlimited food and working from home and so.....hehe........as you can understand, I have put on a kilo or two with slabs of flesh at each side. I must say they are extremely unruly! They always go here there, embarrassing me in public.
But do I care?
I don't think so!
I am not saying, I like it, but its no big deal to put on a few pounds, when you know you can shed them. A little bit of effort from tomorrow and regular sports will be on my daily schedule! I love myself no matter how I am!
Coming to Friday nights again, I thought I'd make some caramel popcorn as shown above by Honeykki. This girl is awesome. I have been watching her videos for quite some time and I love them, especially the squish sqash transformation of popcorn into a gooey crunch that pops in your mouth. Is there anything better to do at home, than sit with a bowl full of caramel popcorn, watching Angelina Jolie at her best? No, there isn't! It is the perfect Friday night I could wish for.

Vegetarian Gluten free · The salt always adds a layer of depth to the caramel popcorn and there is an added layer of richness by adding some coffee to the mix by
Oh God! I have to exercise tomorrow!