On the glorious occasion of Rakshabandhan, I would like to write this tribute to the true Bengali food, Luchi. Luchi is a type of deep fried pancake, that is eaten with a variety of side dishes. You can see my another blog post on this type of fried bread here.
the most simplest of Luchi is eaten with tea combined with a simple and yet humble potato curry. The nice crunch and squish when you break the Luchi will sneer your senses and poison your mind. A burp is inevitable!
Watch the ASMR eating video to get even a bigger burp!!! LOL

Luchi with Potato Curry
After eating milk with cereals, Granola or Yogurt from Monday to Friday, when the weekend comes, Bengali hearts yearn for some Luchi with plain Aaloo Tarkari aka alu charchari. Without any doubt, this is an ideal breakfast for all Bengali on any weekend. Though it’s mainly popular as breakfast, you can serve this combo during any time of the day. This delicious duo never fails to win any Bengali's heart.

Photo by Chandrima Sarkar
Rasgulla added with plain potato curry...
It draws a parallel to its North Indian counterpart, pooris. However, unlike poori, luchi is made with refined flour instead of the wheat flour, and is smaller in size with a soft texture. With the festival of Durga Puja around the corner, you must be prepared with all the Bengali food items to celebrate the festival in its truest spirit. Prepare for a proper Bengali feast this Durga Puja and indulge in this enticing dish. Add luchis to the menu of your next kitty party or potlucks and bring something new and different to the table. Healthier and lighter than puri, luchi makes for a better alternative for bread. Make your everyday meal special by making this lip-smacking dish.
And when it's Sunday, Luchi can get more and more luxurious with gorgeous spicy pieces of mutton melting in your mouth.

Photo by Kolkata Sutra
You know, the key to the heart of a Bengali is through food. While the rest of the Indians spend their money on cars, houses or DIOR handbags, we the Bengalis would like to gorge on some extra appetizing food! You cannot beat us on food honey!

Luchi with the unbeatable combo of chana dal aka "Cholar dal" and "Bonde". Bonde are tiny round thingis that you see in the image; sweet, delectable and friends with Luchi! That piece of coconut is to die for!
Is there a Bengali household that do not make luchi for Breakfast or as we like to call it, for "Jolkhabar"? No, there isn't! Whether you are a newly married daughter-in-law trying to impress the mother of the husband, or simply going through a phase of self pity, this dish can be the savior! Luchi comes to the rescue like a gallant knight riding on a white steed! Do not forget the sweet desserts with Luchi. Just as a king is helpless without his viziers, Luchi is not at its bed, without the sweet tooth.

Phulko Luchi and Aloor Dom! Not Dam, but Dom!!!!! Get this right people!
P.S. Some of them are not "Phulko"...
If you are thinking about improving the video quality of your ASMR video, do check out my post here.